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Organized by:

  • Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón

    Hospital Universitari Clínic de Barcelona


  • Boston Scientific


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Home / Registration / Registration


ONSITE registration fee 
Limited places for onsite attendance.
ONLINE registration fee - GRANTS     FREE
50 online registration grants are available. To apply for these grants choose the modality ONLINE registration fee-Grants. Once the grants have been covered, the online registration fee is €100 VAT included
ONLINE registration fee 
  100€ VAT included
ESGURS MEMBERS registration fee - GRANTS     FREE
It requires to prove the ESGURS membership.

The registration fee includes: Access to all scientific sessions, official documentation, certificate of attendance, working lunch and coffee breaks. Limited places for onsite attendance.

*If you have any food restrictions or allergies, please send an email to the technical secretariat.

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