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Home / Alberto Masegosa Award / Alberto Masegosa award

Alberto Masegosa award

Alberto Masegosa Best Phlebology and/or Lymphology Paper Award 2023

Please be reminded that the deadline for applications for the Alberto Masegosa Best Phlebology and/or Lymphology
Paper Award is 7 March 2023

The Spanish Phlebology and Lymphology Chapter (CEFyL), is pleased to announced the launch of its award to the best paper on venous and lymphatic disease, which is named after the Chapter’s former president, Alberto Masegosa.

The Award, sponsored by Servier SL, is endowed with a cash prize of €3,500€ (before tax).

1. Candidates must be first authors of original papers on phlebology or lymphology published from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022 in a journal published either in Spain or abroad.

2. One same candidate may appear in a maximum of two papers. Papers submitted cannot have received any other awards or have been submitted as candidates for any other awards.

3. Papers must be submitted up to and including 7 March 2023.

4. Application and documentation: First authors shall submit a copy of their paper, together with their full details, to CEFyL’s technical secretariat (info@congresosxxi.com) stating Premio Alberto Masegosa in the email subject line.

* Once an application has been received, the technical secretariat shall send the candidate an email with their registration number. * Should you fail to receive this email, please contact the secretariat as it is likely that your application did not go through properly and it can therefore not be considered by the Scientific Committee.

5. A selection of the papers submitted shall be presented at CEFyL’s annual congress. The specific slot at which such presentations are made shall be determined in advance, giving candidates adequate notice. All first authors must register for the Congress. Candidates shortlisted for the award must necessarily make an oral presentation at the Congress. The 30th CEFyL National Congress is due to be held in Vigo on 27 and 28 April 2023.

6. The Jury for the Award will be made up of the members of CEFyL’s Scientific Committee. Papers shall be assessed taking into consideration the journal they were published by (impact factor), their design, scientific level, originality and relevance. Their decision will be final. The Jury may decide to declare the award vacant if none of the entries meet the desired standard.

The members of the Scientific Committee shall not participate in the voting process when they, or a member of their own department, are among the authors of the paper considered. It is the responsibility of first authors to let their co- authors know that a paper has been submitted for the Award as well as to inform them about the Jury’s decision.

7. The Jury’s decision shall be announced at CEFyL’s General Assembly, which will be held during the Congress. The Award shall be presented at the Congress’ Gala Dinner to be held on Friday, 28 April. The winner is required to attend the Gala dinner to collect their award.

CEFyL Governance Board

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