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Home / Comunications / Guidelines for paper submission / Guidelines for paper submission

Guidelines for paper submission


DEADLINE: 27 February 2023

1. Papers must be submitted by filling in the form available in the “paper submission” section of the Congress’ website (www.congresocefyl2023.com).

Papers may be submitted either as oral presentations or posters.
Please specify which of the two categories your paper corresponds to.

* Once you have submitted your paper, you will receive an email confirming that your submission was successful together with a registration number, which you will be asked to provide in further communications. Should you not receive your registration number please contact the Congress’ technical secretariat at info@congresosxxi.com as your submission may not have been processed correctly.

2. Your abstract must follow either of the following structures:

MODEL 1. Case series: MODEL 2. Case reports:
  • Purpose
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Purpose
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

• Oral presentations must in all cases follow the structure under MODEL 1.
• Poster abstracts may be submitted following either MODEL 1 (case series) or MODEL 2 (case reports).

3. Abstracts must under no circumstances be over 250 words long.

4. Abstracts may be submitted equally in Spanish or Portuguese. The slides or the panels/posters of papers accepted for presentation must be prepared in English. The actual presentation to the audience can be made in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

5. Additionally, submissions must state the title of the paper (in upper case), the name of the authors and the personal details of the primary author. (The email address of the primary author should be provided so that they can be informed whether their paper has been accepted).

6. The primary author shall be responsible for the submission. The same author may only appear as the primary author of one oral presentation and one poster. They will be in charge of delivering the presentation/presenting the poster. Should they be unable to do so personally, they should delegate the presentation to one of the co-authors, who must be registered at the Congress. Such delegations must be notified to the technical secretariat at info@congresosxxi.com

7. The primary author, or the person they have delegated the presentation to, must necessarily be registered at the Congress.

8. The Scientific Committee may at its discretion suggest to an author a change in the type of presentation from oral presentation to poster, or vice versa, if it considers it advisable given the nature of the paper in question.

9. Deadline for abstract submissions: 27 February 2023 (included).

10. Disclosure of accepted oral presentations and posters. Primary authors will be informed whether their papers have been accepted from 29 March 2023 onwards.

11. Only one certificate will be issued per paper.

12. The prizes will be awarded during the official dinner of the congress. In order to obtain the prize, it is essential that at least one of the authors of the paper attends the dinner to collect the prize.

- Best Oral Presentation Award: €3.500 (gross)
- Best Poster Award: €1.500 (gross).

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