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Albert Cañigueral
Connector Ouishare for Spain and Latin America. He founded the blog ConsumoColaborativo in 2011, and since then he has been considered one of the go-to people in the platform economy in Spanish. He is the author of “El mercado laboral digital a debate. Plataformas, Trabajadores, Derechos y WorkerTech” (COTEC, 2019)
Alberto Barragán
Alberto BARRAGAN has a cum laude degree in Economics from the University of Atlanta (USA) and M.B.A. by INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France).

His professional experience began in private equity and investment banking in Portugal and Spain, and in 1993 he joined the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg. At the EIB he has worked in operations during the peace process in the Middle East and North Africa, in private and public sector operations in Spain. Since 2004 he has been Head of the Operations Division in Latin America and the Caribbean, and since August 2015 he is the Head of the EIB Group Office in Spain.

Maurizio Bussi
Maurizio Bussi (Italy) is an international civil servant with more than twenty-five years of service with the United Nations system. He has been involved in complex development and humanitarian operations at the UN and ILO Headquarters in New York and Geneva and served in various field positions in Gaza, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Beirut and Bangkok. His technical work at the ILO’s headquarters in Geneva focussed on child labour, working conditions, HIV/AIDS workplace initiatives and other labour protection issues.
Mr. Bussi holds a degree in Political Sciences from the University of Pavia (Italy), a Master in International Relations from the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) in Milan (Italy) and a Master in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at TUFTS University (USA).

Alexander Hijzen
Is  is a senior economist at the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). He is currently leading the work on the implementation of the new OECD Jobs Strategy that was launched in 2018. From 2015 to 2016, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund where he contributed to the IMF World Economic Outlook. Prior to joining the OECD, he has worked as a post-doctoral fellow for the Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP) at the University of Nottingham. His research has been published in international academic journals such as the Economic Journal, European Economic Review and Journal of Human Resources. Alexander holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Nottingham and is of Dutch citizenship.

Christopher Markou
Is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow & Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, and Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Business Research (CBR). His research project Lex Ex Machina: Artificial Intelligence and Legal Evolution  examines how AI and Big Data are influencing changes in the nature of legal practice, education—while also  challenging the conceptual foundations of the legal system. Christopher’s popular writing on technology law and policy has been featured in outlets such as Scientific American, Newsweek, and The Guardian. His forthcoming book Lex Ex Machina: The Rule of Law in a Post-Human Era explores the possibility of replacing human judges and lawyers with AI  and what that would mean for established notions of the rule of law and a discursive public sphere. 


Franck Morel
Franck MOREL is since 2017 adviser social work-employment-training of the Prime Minister, Mr. Edouard Philippe
He was previously an associate lawyer in the Barthélémy Cabinet since 2012.
Renowned expert, former labor inspector, responsible for training in the Ministry of Labor, Franck Morel was also an advisor to the Minister of Labor, Xavier Bertrand where he was appointed deputy director of the cabinet. As such, he participated in more than a dozen laws, including that of June 25, 2008, called "modernization of the labor market," as well as in
the reform of the representative union. Author of several books, including Bertrand Martinot, The other last, A labor law is possible in Fayard

Deb Oxley
CEO of the Employee Ownership Association (EOA), the UKs leading voice on employee ownership, representing a sector that contributes between £30-40bn a year to UK GDP. It is also a membership organisation for UK businesses of private or public sector origin, that are wholly or partially owned by their employees.

Deb has over 30 year’s business experience across private and public sectors and latterly after founding and running her own small business for 10 years, joined the EOA in 2012, becoming Chief Executive in 2015. Having recently led a national inquiry into the economic and social effects of employee ownership, Deb is now leading a programme of work to realise the recommendations of the inquiry findings, the Ownership Dividend.     
Juan Manuel Sinde
Industrial Engineer. Currently retired.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Laboral Kutxa as well as the Permanent Commission of the MONDRAGON Corporation and the Management Commission of MONDRAGON Investments and the MONDRAGON Foundation.
He has been, on the other hand, Minister of Insurance Lagun Aro and Lagun Aro Vida, Servired and Sermepa, as well as President of the Gaztempresa Foundation. He is currently President of the Arizmendiarrieta Foundation.

Laura Pedron
Laura Pedron is the Managing Director of the Trentino’s Labour Agency. A public Agency under the control of the Local Government. In the Province of Trento she has developed her career in managing the Education and Vocational Education System. After a degree in economics and a ph.d in evaluation of research and innovation system, she worked at Polytechnic of Turin having the opportunity to develop operative skills regarding the relation between the business sector and the higher education and research system. She had the opportunity to collaborated also with other important Italian University (such as Bologna, MIP- Polytechnic of Milan, LUISS-Guido Carli).  
Loukas Stemitsiotis
Head of the Thematic Analysis Unit of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, Directorate Employment and Social Governance. From 2012 to 2016, he was Head of Unit of the Secretariat of the Economic and Financial Committee and the Economic Policy Committee of the EU, which prepare the ECOFIN Council and the Eurogroup. From 2010 to 2011, he was Head of the Unit responsible for Globalisation, Trade and Development at the DG for Economic and Financial Affairs. From 2008 to 2010, he was Head of the Unit responsible for the Economies of the EU neighbouring countries, including Macro-financial Assistance. Since joining the European Commission in 1990, Dr Stemitsiotis has worked in the Macroeconomics, Fiscal policies, and the Monetary matters departments.
Jamie Winders
Is Director of the Autonomous Systems Policy Institute (ASPI) at Syracuse University and Professor of Geography in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. As ASPI’s director, Jamie brings together faculty and students to offer interdisciplinary insight into the policies, regulations, and uses of autonomous systems, from driverless vehicles and pilotless ships to unmanned aerial vehicles. She also works closely with key stakeholders in industry, government, non-profits, and wider communities impacted by or associated with autonomous systems. Beyond her work with ASPI, Jamie is known for her interdisciplinary research on international migration. She is Editor-in-Chief of the International Migration Review, the flagship journal in migration studies. She holds a PhD from the University of Kentucky and joined the Syracuse University faculty in 2004.
Marcus Zorzi
Head of the Department for Strategy, Planning, Law, Communication, Federal and European Politics as well as Deputy Chief Officer of the Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Affairs.
Mr. Zorzi is a fully qualified lawyer.