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Home / Presentation / About Seville / About Seville

About Seville

Seville is a city that leaves its mark, and many people define it as special. It might be because of the grandeur of its monuments. Or perhaps the charm of areas such as Triana.

It may possibly be the scent of jasmine in its squares or the Spanish guitar music of its streets. Some say that it’s the tradition of its festivals, and many are convinced its tapas are the real reason.

A monumental city

You can see it for yourself in the few metres that separate the Giralda tower, the Cathedral and the Real Alcázar of Seville. La Giralda is a city icon and one of its main charms lies in its viewpoint. The views of Seville are fantastic with its courtyards of orange trees, typical in Andalusia, and a close-up of the largest Gothic temple in Europe, the Cathedral. A visit to the Real Alcázar reveals an extraordinary palace full of details. If you visit in the summer, take advantage of the night visits and the festival held in its gardens.
Seville is much more than its undeniable monumentality. It is a city of lively streets and large open spaces such as the huge Plaza de España, María Luisa Park, and the avant-garde Setas de Sevilla. And if you want to enjoy the authentic atmosphere of Seville, try going for tapas in the old town, in popular areas such as Alameda, Macarena, Nervión, Los Remedios or Triana. Marinated ‘pescaíto’ (fish), small filled rolls, typical snails, fino (white wine), manzanilla (sweet wine) or a cold beer are a must on any tapas outing. 

Additional information

Tourist info: https://www.visitasevilla.es/en

Alcazar: Schedules & Rates - Real Alcázar de Sevilla (alcazarsevilla.org)

Catedral: https://www.catedraldesevilla.es/cultural-visit/

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