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Home / SITE Abstract Submission / SITE Abstract submission

SITE Abstract submission

SITE Barcelona 2025 will accept abstracts on:
  • Challenging cases/Free papers (to be considered for in-person presentations): Aorta and its branches, PAD therapy, Carotid, Vascular Nursing, Vascular Accesses and Venous
  • Posters: Aorta and its branches, PAD therapy, Carotid, Vascular Nursing, Vascular Accesses and Venous
Once your abstract has been submitted you will receive a confirmation email indicating that all the information has been received correctly. If you do not receive this confirmation, then please contact the Congress Secretariat. 
Abstract submission will close on 31st August 2025.

You will receive a reply by e-mail with regards to the acceptance by 8th September.
The 3 best abstracts of each area will be chosen for presentation at the main program sessions dedicated to Challenging cases in Aorta and its branches, PAD therapy, Carotid, Vascular Nursing, Vascular Accesses and Venous
  • Best Challenging Case chosen by the Moderators will be awarded with the prize of 2.500€
  • Best Poster chosen by the SITE attendees will be awarded 1.500€
  • The abstract should be as informative and succinct as possible
  • The extension of your abstract should be a minimum of 200 words and must not exceed one page.
  • The title should be in capitals and extend to no more than two lines. Avoid abbreviations.
  • Organize the text following these sections:
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Material used
  4. Methodology used
  5. Results of the study
  6. Conclusions of the study
  • The maximum number of authors permitted is 6 (1 author plus 5 co-authors). One of the authors must be registered in the Symposium.
Registration: It is essential that the person who will present the work completes their registration for the congress. 
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