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Home / SITE abastracts review process / SITE Scientific Committee and Overview of abstract review

SITE Scientific Committee and Overview of abstract review

Overview of abstract review and selection

1. Each abstract is reviewed by 2 independent scientific reviewers with expertise that is matched to the abstract subject track. Each reviewer will use the criteria and scoring system described below.
2. A final decision on the acceptance to the symposium is made on the basis of the combined assessment from the 2 reviewers. The reviewer scores and assessment are applied to a predefined abstract selection algorithm. The algorithm indicates if an abstract is selected for an oral presentation, poster presentation or rejected.
3. In cases of a lack of consensus in reviewer opinion, or when selection is unclear, the SITE Barcelona 2025 Board will be asked to give a final decision on the inclusion of an abstract into the symposium program.
Review process and criteria 
1.  All abstracts are evaluated according to seven criteria (see below) where 5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 2= fair, 1= poor.
All criteria are evenly weighted.
In addition, reviewers can give comments on the abstract. These comments will be used to provide anonymous feedback to the abstract authors upon request

2. The seven evaluation criteria that reviewers should use are as follows:
  1. Background: Rationale of the study
  2. Methods: Appropriateness of methods
  3. Results: Presentation of the results
  4. Conclusion: Conclusions and interpretations of results
  5. Overall clarity of the abstract
  6. Originality
  7. Innovation
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