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Abstract Submission

SITE Santiago 2022 will accept abstracts on:
  • Challenging cases: PAD therapy and Aorta and its branches
  • Posters: PAD therapy and Aorta and its branches
Once your abstract has been submitted you will receive a confirmation email indicating that all the information has been received correctly. If you do not receive this confirmation, then please contact the Congress Secretariat. 
You will receive a reply by e-mail with regards to the acceptance by 26th August.
Abstract submission will close on 21st August 2022.
The 3 best abstracts of each area will be chosen for presentation at the main program sessions dedicated to Challenging cases in PDA and Challenging Cases in Aorta and its branches.
  • Best Challenging Case chosen by the Moderators will be awarded with the prize of 2.500€
  • Best Poster chosen by the SITE attendees will be awarded 1.500€
  • The abstract should be as informative and succinct as possible
  • The extension of your abstract should be a minimum of 200 words and must not exceed one page.
  • The title should be in capitals and extend to no more than two lines. Avoid abbreviations.
  • Organize the text following these sections:
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Material used
  4. Methodology used
  5. Results of the study
  6. Conclusions of the study
  • The maximum number of authors permitted is 6 (1 author plus 5 co-authors). One of the authors must be registered in the Symposium.
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